Thursday, August 30, 2012

Love versus the need for companion

Love is a four letter word whcih may be explained in multiple ways, depending on the interlocutor. How do we know if we are in love? How do we know if it has ended? Where does need for companion start? When do we have to let people go? Who has not ever asked oneslf those questions.

When you are a teenager loves manifests with the desire of just staring the receptor of your feelings. Your heart jump each time you listen to that voice. There is no room for financial problems, religion, habits, mothers-in-law, nothing else matters. Then, as it almost always happens, you leave high school and realise that the world is bigger than what you thought. New things/people flash in front of your eyes and what you thought was the best in the world becomes just another one. It is always greener on the other side of the fence. So did love ended? Or it was just ilusion?

We grow up and we have to worry about paying bills. We cross with people with our same likes and share many things with them, but sometimes it does not work. Then you are in a relationship. Lovefull at the beginning, mistakes are not important and the world is void with the other person. Time goes on, you are used to a way of doing things, no matter if you agree or not, mistakes make you angry and pray for a change of attitude, you can not be with your friends because jelousy invades your partner. Co workers invite her out, she says no; girls in cleavage bounce their tits in front of him, but he can not stand up because he got an erection. Then the couple meets after work, following a routine, arguing for the same stupid situations that are not going to be solved. 

Fights are increasing and grass looks greener on the other side of the fence; however, both have shared so many thing with each other. They know each other, they visualized them together.  Break up happens, each take their own path. She inmediately dates another guy, but thinks about his ex; however, she keeps on screwing the new guy. Then the guy is a dick and she decides to go back, cause from all the people she knew she thinks he is the best. However, he was alone all the time and got used to the idea of living by his own, looking at her Fb with tagged pictures with the other guy. They have feelings in a way, but the things that made them argue are not going to go out.

Why do the couple reunite. Because they felt they wanted each other or because there was nobbody else around to be the knight in a horse/ the princess in the castle. How do people know they are going to marry the right person. Once a girl friend that was dumped by her bf told me that when you find a good person you can not let go that one, cause there are no plenty. I dispute that argument, cause if it was to be true there wouldn't be so many break ups. Every break up has its story, most are cause of cheating, but sometimes people is just different.

Do we live in a world where people join with a mate just because he/she was the person in that position in the "right" time or are people realise convinced that they love their "soul mates"?

Is love an illnes/virus that has a cycle and eventually ends, which leaves us with just good memories and the good feelings towards them? What do you think? what about your story?

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